John, the worthy disciple of Jesus – Part – VI


1. What is the writer’s major objective in the section 13:1-17:26? 13:1. Bruce, p.278.


Chapters 13-17 are known as the “Upper Room Ministry”, where the teaching of Jesus Christ are specifically meant for His disciples and not for the general people. When His own people (all people, in general) refused to accept Him in their lives, He dedicated the remaining hours to His closest people who received and believed in Him. In the last few hours, He was intent on making His messages clear and made His disciples know the true meaning of pain and suffering for the better of all humankind. Very soon, He would be taken back to heaven and His earthly presence among His people would end. God’s promise will be fulfilled and Jesus’ work in earth would be complete. But to leave behind the echo of His works among the hearts of few, so that His words would be carried on even after His crucifixion and succeeding resurrection, He spent the last few hours with His disciples, who would carry on His message and spread His essence in the future times as well.


2. How does Jesus’ love “for his own” compare to God’s love for the world? 13:1 (cf. John 3:16).


Jesus loved His own people so very dearly. His own were not only the Jewish people to whom He started preaching, but also everyone else who were residents of the earth that God had created. He suffered the pain and tormented to set us all free from the snares of evil and bring us close to God, with whom we have become detached. And God’s love is eternal and boundless. He sent many prophets to us so that we may listen to them and realize our mistakes and rectify them. But, we turned a deaf ear to all of them. So, He sent His own Son amongst us, so that we may give Him the due respect and welcome Him into our hearts. So that, whoever would listen to Jesus and walk in the right paths of life, would be blessed with eternal life and their souls will never perish.


3. Explain why Jesus laid aside his garments. 13:4. Bruce, p.280.


The owner of the house clothes himself in garments and comforts. Jesus is the Son of God, the owner of all humankind and the kind of the world. He was treated respectfully among His disciples and was loved by them. But when Jesus knew that the time has come when He would be handed over to the people to be mocked and flogged at, He retired to spend His last couple precious hours with His disciples. It was at this moment that Jesus “got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist” (NIV BIBLE- JOHN- 13:4) and dressed like a servant to perform a slavish work. “After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that wrapped around him.” (NIV BIBLE- JOHN- 13:5). It was a work that any of His disciples would have done happily. But He chose to perform it to send a message to His disciples, that it was about serving people humbly that would constitute in doing good to others. If they thought themselves to be superior to others, they would not be able to serve the people, and in turn, they would not be able to serve God and fulfil His words. For it is said, “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (NIV BIBLE- LUKE- 14:11).


4. What is the connection of verse 3 to washing the disciples’ feet? 13:3-5. Bruce, p.280.


Jesus had come to realize that His time on earth and being with the humans was coming to an end. He knew that God had entrusted on Him all powers to help and serve the people so that they would listen and understand His words. But the people were so adamant at not wanting to listen to Him, that they had decided to kill Him. It was because Jesus spoke words and asked them to do things that were against their evil ways of life. But to some, who had accepted Him, he wanted to provide some final attempts to make the idea of humility and sacrifice, an act of love and faith. So, He washed His disciples’ feet to teach them the noble ideas of humility and sacrifice.


5. Why did Peter say to Jesus “You will never wash my feet?” 13:8. Bruce, p.281.


Peter accepted Jesus as his master and way of life from the day he met Him. He viewed and respected Jesus as the king of the world and “The Word” incarnate. So, when he saw Jesus was about to perform something so menial that was the work of a servant, he was not willing to let Jesus stoop down to such low standards. But he was unaware of the exemplary intent behind the work that Jesus was about to perform, not only for His disciples, not for the entity mankind who would listen to Him and follow Him.


6. What spiritual application did Jesus relate to his washing the disciples’ feet? 13:10. Bruce, p.283.


Jesus removed His outer clothing and dressed like a servant, with a cloth tied around His waist. Then, He went ahead to wash His disciples’ feet, and dry their feet with the towel around His waist. With this action, Jesus mirrored the task of baptising the spirits of men with the Holy Spirit. While John the Baptist baptised with water, Jesus baptised with he Holy Spirit. But the task of baptising was carried on, mostly, with water. He cleansed their spirits of all forms of worldly fetters to free them from all earthly evils, so that they can serve God with their cleansed souls and pure hearts.


7. Do you think Jesus intended foot washing to become a religious ceremony? What practical application should Jesus’ followers make of his washing the disciples’ feet? 13:12-17. Bruce, p.285.


Jesus intended this practice to be carried on even after He had ascended to heaven. He wanted His disciples to learn this as an example and be humble and treat earth other equally, without any sorts of discrimination or the idea of being superior to others. But, this idea was not intended to be a religious ceremony. Religious ceremonies are meant to be followed like rules and there is, often, no heart behind those activities. They are only carried out as duties and no thought is given after it. Rather, Jesus wanted it to be a spiritual ceremony, where this activity would be embedded into the hearts and minds of the people, so that they carry out this action, not as a duty, but out of respect and their goodness of moral being and carry this on in their lives happily. This ritual should be followed to uphold the sanctity of the fellowship among men, from the depth of their hearts.


8. Explain whether the prophecy of Jesus’ betrayal might eliminate Judas Iscariot’s power of choice? 13:18-19 (cf. Psalm 41:9). Bruce, p. 287.


It had been foretold in the Old Testament “Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who share my bread, has turned against me” (NIV BIBLE- PSALM 41:9). Jesus had hand picked His disciples, “I know those I have chosen” (NIV BIBLE- JOHN 13:18). He knew exactly what was in their hearts even before they themselves knew about it. Jesus prophesied that He would be betrayed by someone. The prophecy would have been fulfilled even if it was not through Judas. He wanted His prophecy to be the warning by which Judas would change his heart and repent. But even after hearing it, Judas did not change his heart. Judas was already fallen because he chose to betray Jesus and had the prophecy fulfilled through him. It was his own preferred choice of action. So, Jesus’ prophecy only aggravated Judas’ power of choice, because he could not have done it. But he chose to carry out the role of the betrayer from Jesus’ close disciples.


9. On which occasion is the “disciple whom Jesus loved” first mentioned? 13:21-23. Bruce, p.289.


The occasion when the “ disciple whom Jesus loved” is first mentioned is the event in which Jesus had a meal with His disciples and washed their feet and dried them with the washcloth tied around His waist. It was during this moment of teaching humility and love that Jesus prophesied Him being betrayed by one of His disciples. It was in this occasion that the “disciple whom Jesus loved” is first mentioned.


10. Compare the posture for eating on special occasion with the normal posture for eating in Jesus’ day. Bruce, pp.289f.


For eating on normal days, the people would sit on the floor and have their food. While, during special occasions, they would be seated on stools and chairs and the hour would provide an extra helping of his food to the guests and sat in a reclined posture. But, in the supper mentioned in this passage, it was no ordinary meal. Jesus is the king of this world and the most important guest at our table. He is the guest as well as the host, because He is the provider of everything.


11. Do you agree with Bruce that Satan could not have entered Judas had he not granted him permission? Explain. 13:27. Bruce, p.290.


Letting the evil Spirit enter into us is totally defendant on us. If we do something without knowing the facts and consequences, it would not be a mistake on our part. But, even after knowing the truth, we chose to follow the wrong, then we are at fault. It is known that if after walking in the light, no man prefers walking in the dark again. And if they do, that is their own choice. Judas stayed with Jesus and learnt from Him. He heard Him daily and stayed with Jesus during all His signs and miracles. Yet Judas chose to betray Jesus for a mere thirty pieces of silver. Jesus prophesied about Him being betrayed by one of His disciples. Judas was present there in the feast when Jesus said this. He dipped his food in the same bowl from which Jesus, too, dipped. So, if Judas had not wanted to betray Jesus, he could easily have done so. So, if he had not granted permission, Satan could not have entered him.


12. How did the other disciples understand Jesus’ words to Judas “What you do, do quickly?” 13:27-30.


Jesus knew that He would be betrayed by one of His disciples and He made a prophecy regarding this to His disciples as well. So, when He saw Satan enter Judas, He asked Satan to do whatever he intends to do quickly. But when the other disciples heard this, they thought that Jesus was speaking to Judas. And since Judas was in-charge of the money, they thought that Jesus asked them Judas to either buy the required things needed for the festival or to give the poor some alms. They did not understand the real intent behind Jesus saying such words.


13. To what event does Jesus point in verse 31. Bruce, pp.291, 293.


 God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, among humans, so that they may welcome Him into their hearts and redeem themselves. But instead of doing that people plotted and contemplated to have Him killed. He was sent to this earth to suffer and die for the sins of men. With the betrayal that Judas would offer Jesus, the prophecies and fore-saying of all the prophets would come true. People would realize their mistakes and repent. With the betrayal, would begin the official mockery and flogging that would be carried on till His death. With Judas’ exit, the stone is set rolling for the sufferings of Jesus, from where He will emerge victorious after He will be resurrected from His death. In this way, Jesus would be glorified and by that, God would be glorified for all His marvelous deeds.


14. In what sense is the commandment to love one another a new commandment? 13:34 (cf. Matthew 22:27-40). Bruce, p. 294.


The commandment to love one another and our neighbor is not a new one. But with Jesus’ teachings and sayings, it finds a new meaning. Jesus teaches us to love one another with compassion and faith, to love one another with sacrifice, to love one another by suffering in silence. It’s like an old teaching wrapped in a new cover to appeal to the people more. Jesus’ love teaches us promise and growth. It is a love devoid of any selfish needs. There is no superficiality in this new love. In these ways, the commandment of love propounded by Jesus is a new commandment.


15. What did Tertullian (200 A.D.) report that pagans of his day said about Christians? Bruce, p. 294.


The pagans of Tertullian’s day said that the Christians not only loved each other greatly, but they were also eager to die for one another. The pagans were aware that there was no superficiality in that love amongst the Christians. They were all bound by love for others and the love o God that protected them for all temptations and evil spirits.


16. What bold statement did Simon Peter make? 13:37.


When Jesus told His disciples that He was with them for only some more days and after that He would have to return back to the place from where He came, Simon Peter asked Him where Jesus would go. Jesus replied by saying that they were not yet ready to understand or grasp the gravity of the place where He would go and therefore, they would not be able to follow Him at that moment itself. But later they would reach the position in life where they would be able to follow Him. The disciples were unable to understand the meaning of His cryptic words and therefore, Simon Peter boldly asked why he wouldn’t be able to follow Jesus because if needed, he would lay his life for Jesus.


17. Concerning which things were the apostles probably troubled? 14:1. Bruce, p.297.


The disciples were already troubled by the fact that there was a betrayer amongst them who would betray Jesus. Secondly, the disciples had always stayed with Jesus and accompanied Him during all His teachings and the miracles and signs that He performed. But when He said that He would go away someplace where they would not be able to follow Him, they were greatly distressed.


18. Compare various translations of John 14:2 and comment. For what purpose did Jesus say he was going away?


Jesus said that He was going away to make rooms for His disciples in His Father’s house. He was not speaking about any earthly house or any physical house as well. He was alluding to the place where God lived. He was referring to the place where their spirits would meet and dwell forever after they have been resurrected. With Jesus’ death and resurrection, the faith of His disciples would be strengthened. They would serve the ways of the Lord even after Jesus’ physical death. Even if they were not easy then, they would be, after the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus said that there are many rooms in the abode of God, He might have also meant that there is ample space of spiritual growth in Jesus. The earth is a place where there is deceit and pain and sufferings, everything that Jesus endured first-hand. But, He would curate a lace for all the righteous souls that is devoid of all such evil notions and make it a wonderful place for us to reside.


19. For what purpose did Jesus say he would return? 14:3.


Jesus said that He would return again to take His disciples back with Him to His Father’s house, where He will go before- to prepare rooms for them. It means that Jesus will return back on the day of Judgement to resurrect all the spirits of the righteous men and take them back to heaven where they should belong. In heaven, they would reside with Jesus and His Father. It may also mean that even if we may slip from the ways of righteousness, we may return back to the right path and repent for our sins. Jesus would be ever happy to accept us when we repent for our sins, since He is the gate, and only through Him we can enter heaven and reach God.


20. Analyze and discuss the meaning of John 14:6. Bruce, p.298.


Jesus is the life and through Jesus do, we get a life. He is the light that gives light to our dark souls and bring them back to the way of righteousness. He is the truth. There is no lie in His love or promises. There is no deceit. He is the good shepherd who keeps His flock safe from all danger. He is also the gate, who can allow His sheep to get inside the sheep-pen. It is only through Jesus, that we can enter through the gates of heaven and reach God. God sent His Son among us to mend the bridge that we have broken through our sins and lies and everything evil. God has entrusted every power in Jesus to be the legitimate heir, who was beaten and killed by the tenants.


21. What statement of Jesus caused Phillip to say “Lord, show us the Father?” 14:7-8.


Jesus told His disciples that He would go away to His father’s place where He would prepare rooms for them. So, the disciples asked Him that if they do not know the way, how would they be able to follow Him. They were still taking His words in its literal meaning. So, Jesus said them that He was the way and through Him they will know the way to His Father’s house. Jesus told them that if they have known and understood Jesus, they would also know His Father. Because Jesus was the flesh incarnate and the Word of God. When they heard about His Father, they enquired about Him and how they would recognize Him.


22. Knowledge of the mutual indwelling of the Father and the Son is based on what two things? 14:10-11.


Jesus is the bodily representation of God in earth. The Son and the Father are one inn the Spirit. They are both intertwined by the similarity of thoughts and actions. Their minds and hearts work the same way. So where there is the Father, there is the existence of the Son. And where the Son resides, the Father, too, dwells thee. It is evident in the works and signs that Jesus has done and performed. It is through the powers invested in Him by God that He can perform such miracles. Also, everything that He says and teach are the very words and thoughts of God Himself. So, even if the people do not believe in the words of Jesus, they must believe His works, which are all done through God.


23. What “greater works” than those which Jesus performed would his believing disciples be able to do? 14:12. Bruce, p. 300.


Jesus promised that His disciples would be able to perform much greater works than He could perform. But to think that in literal terms would be a mistake. He was not speaking of the earthly powers or strengths, but of the spiritual ones. Jesus’ earthly ministry lasted for three years. But His disciples and all the followers who believed in Him, would be able to spread the words of God for much longer and to many more. We have seen that after the death and resurrection of Jesus, when His disciples began to spread their wings under the care of Jesus Christ, they were able to bring more people under their hood, in showing them the right path and teaching to them in the name of Christ. Bringing a change in people’s life, showing them the light if life, shoving them off their lives of sin- what more “greater works” can be there than these? Jesus never promised anyone earthly riches or pleasures or powers. But He showed them all what spiritual blessings can look like. He wanted to bestow among all, the goodness of hearts and minds, rightful actions and thoughts. It is this task that can be carried on by His disciples in a greater way, since they can appeal to more people and more lost souls can be saved, which is the ultimate purpose of Him.


24. What did Jesus mean by “in my name?” 14:13.


Jesus told His disciples that they would be able to perform greater miracles than Him in the sense that they will be able to appeal to more people. Jesus’ task as well as their’s would be to bring the lost souls back to home. So, whoever would perform this task and believe in the words and teachings of Jesus Christ, they would be blessed and the Holy Spirit would guide them at all times. Jesus received all His powers by the grace of God. In the similar fashion, the disciples would receive their powers through Jesus Christ because He is the way to reach God. He is the gate through which righteous men would enter heaven, by listening to and following His words. He is the bridge and the bond between men and God, that had been broken by the sins of men. So, if the disciples or any other men follow would His words and pray in His name, their prayers will be heard and answered.


25. Love for Christ is shown in what way? 14:15 (cf. 1 John 5:3).


Love for Christ is shown by keeping His commandments. But keeping His commandments doesn’t mean they have to be a burden or responsibility. We must follow His commandments by respecting its values. We must apply them to our lives in a way that they become a part of our lives. We must imbibe them into our lives. The commandments must not be thought as rules or orders. They must be kept out of love. The commandments are a way to make our lives better as human beings. They help us stay on the path of righteousness. They help us shun away and avoid temptations. They are ways to keep us away from paths of evil. So, by keeping the commandments, we move a step closer to Jesus and make His sacrifice a worthwhile one. It must be our way to love and respect him.


26. What or who is the Paraclete? What does the word mean? 14:16f. Bruce, pp. 301f.


Paraclete is derived from the Greek word, Parakletos, which means a legal aid. From this, we learn that the Paraclete is the aid or helper of God. In the NIV BIBLE, it is presented as “advocate”,  which is identified with the Holy Spirit, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,….” (NIV BIBLE- JOHN 14:26). It is the Holy Spirit that has guided Jesus through His earthly ministry and will guide the disciples during their “greater works”. The Holy Spirit is the inspiration behind the Scriptures when they were composed by the prophets.


27. In the statement “I will not leave you desolate,” define desolate. 14:18. Bruce, p.303.


Jesus is prophesying to them about His bodily death in mystic terms. He said to them that He would have to leave them and go someplace where they would not be able to follow Him. But His Spirit would always be left behind for their guidance. They will always have His help when they need and they ask for it in His name. By “desolate”, it means that they would not be left alone amidst their problems and issues. He would leave behind the Holy Spirit that would show them the light and the true path to righteousness. It also means that Jesus will not leave them to suffer even after their death. All their hard works would not go unrewarded. On the final day of judgement, the righteous souls of men would be resurrected and taken back to heaven, which is the abode of God. No one will be left behind.


28. Explain Bruce’s expression “threefold coinherence” concerning verse 20. Bruce, p. 304.


Threefold coinherence is the presence of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It means that all three of them are one in thoughts and actions. The person who believe in God, believes in Jesus, because He is the Son of God. And who believes in them both, believes in the Holy Spirit, because it is through the Hoy Spirit that Jesus baptises and the Holy Spirit guides us in life. It is the perfect communion of all three of them into one single idea of faith and promise.


29. What two things would the Holy Spirit do for the disciples? 14:26.


Jesus told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would be sent to them because they believe in pray in Jesus’ name, would do to things for them. It would guide them at all times- what to do, how to do, what to say or not, everything. It will guide them through all difficult phases and give them the strength to endure all the difficulties. And secondly, it would remind them of the teachings of Jesus Christ, so that they do not wander aimlessly or loose their way in the midst of temptations. It would help them stay put in the thorn-ridden ways of righteousness.


30. How could Jesus say “The Father is greater than I” (verse 28) and then say “I and the Father are one”? (10:30). Bruce, p. 307, footnote 15.


Jesus is the representation of God on earth. He is the bodily incarnate of God. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same. When people have gone so far that they refused to accept the Godly ways of life and gave in to all sorts of temptations in life, God sent His Son, so that they may listen to Him. He provided Jesus with the authority and power. But people still did not believe in Him. Even though the sentences may seem contradictory, they imply the same meaning. Jesus and God are one in thoughts, actions and purpose. Both of them are interested in the well-being of people and bringing them back to heaven.


31. What kind of victory is suggested by verses 30-31? Bruce, p.306.


Jesus Christ is referred to as the Redeemer, who would save the people from eternal damnation. But Jesus said that His time on earth has come to an end. But the “prince of this world”, Satan, was coming to sway people with all forms of lies and temptations, to attract people to deceit. The world is full of lies and treachery. So is Satan. But Satan, or worldly temptations and lies, has no power over Jesus. Satan would inflict physical as well as mental pain and sufferings on Him. But through all those turmoil, He will emerge victorious when His Spirit will be resurrected after His bodily death. It will be, then, proven that He was sent by the Father, to do His works and fulfill God’s will.


32. Identify the vine and branches of this parable. How are they related? 15:1-6. Bruce, p. 308 (cf. Bruce, p. 316, footnote 2).


A branch cannot survive without the main vine. Similarly, men cannot stay in the path of righteousness without adhering to the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, the vine is Jesus Christ and the branches the men, who either listen to the words of Jesus Christ, or they don’t. Every man who remain away from the teachings of Christ, will be persuaded by the evil temptations. Moreover, they cannot stay in the path of righteousness if they don’t even know what is right from wrong. So, whoever does not accept Christ into their lives, their sinful lives will lead them to eternal damnation. But whoever listens to His words and accepts Him in their lives gratefully, they will be rewarded with an eternal life. If they believe in Christ, they are allowing Christ to reside within their hearts. So, they both remain connected through their spirits.


33. Read verses 15:4-6 carefully. Comment on their implications. ( see also Ezekiel 15:1-8).


Whoever will listen to the words of Jesus Christ, they will have to face many temptations and hardships in life. But in the end, they will be blessed with an eternal life and eternal happiness. But whoever will not accept Him and His words, will be damned and will burn in hell. They might amass immense riches and pleasures in this earth. But on the final day of judgement, they will be picked up and thrown away to rot in hell.


34. What is the distinction between “words” (rhemata) of verse 7 and the “word” (logos) of verse 3. Bruce, p. 309.


“Words” in 15:7 refers to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the words that He spread among the people. But “Word” in 1:3 refers to Jesus Himself. He is the Word of God in the form of flesh. They carry different meanings but are ultimately the same. The words preached by the Word are same, since they carry the same purpose in life, to bring men out in the light from all the mental darkness that has engulfed their hearts.


35. How is the Father glorified? 15:8 (cf. 13:31).


Jesus has come to this earth to spread the words of God among men, so that they might realize their sins and repent for them. But only a handful of men accepted Him and believed in His words. His purpose in this earth is to serve the Lord’s will, that is, to bridge the gap between men and God. But after His bodily death, His disciples would carry on His task to further spread the words of God, to bring men on the right tracks of righteousness. So, in every way, it is the noble purpose of God that is being fulfilled. In this way, the Father will be glorified through their works.


36. Explain verse 10 in comparison to John 3:16.


In John 3:16, it is said that God loves all men so dearly, that to bring them back from their evil ways of life, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, amongst us, so that Jesus’ words would bring about changes within us. When people would listen to and follow Jesus’ words, they will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. John 15:10 carries similar essence with a slight change in its tone. It says that only if the people did as was told to them by Christ, they would be loved by Jesus. We know that Jesus loved everyone and made no distinctions. He would love a sinner if he repented. But He wouldn’t love a sinner who has no sense of guilt or don’t want to repent. Jesus, too, followed the words of God and His commandments. He never gave in to any evil temptations and always glorified the words of God and thanked Him for everything. So, just as God loved His Son so dearly, Jesus loves all His apostles very much and would guide and protect them at all times.


37. What is the greatest proof of one’s love? 15:13 (cf. I John 3:16; Romans 5:8-10).


The greatest proof of love is displayed in giving up the life for a friend. It means that if we love someone immensely, we would not be afraid of dying, because we would forever remain in their hearts. Just like Jesus died for our sins. He loved His men so dearly that he went through tremendous sufferings and sacrifices and laid down His life, so that our sins will be forgiven. He died so that in His death, we would believe in His words and accept them into our lives. He died to mend the gap created between men and God. This is the truest form of love, where there was no deceit or coercion. It ensued from pure love for His men.


38. Why did Jesus call his disciples friends rather than slaves? 15:15. Bruce, p.312.


 There is no mental connection between slaves and masters. Slaves do not understand the purpose of the master’s works. They just obey and carry on the duties entrusted on them by their masters. But Jesus calls His disciples to be His friends, to serve a common purpose. According to Bruce, the master does not share his views or ideas with his slaves, but with his friends. Whatever Jesus learnt from God, He shared His knowledge with His disciples. Jesus does not see His disciples to be subservient or inferior. Rather, they all are comrades in the same business- to bring the words of God closer to men so that they can understand their sins and repent for them.


39. Did the disciples first choose Jesus, or did he first choose them? What does that suggest? 15:16.


Jesus knew everything about everyone. He knew each person individually even before they appeared before Him. Every step in our lives has been pre-determined by God. He knows everything that has happened and will happen in the future. Unless God wants us to understand our mistakes, we will never be able to move away from evil. Jesus chose each of His disciples specifically to fulfil certain purposes.


40. For what reason would the disciples incur the hatred of the world? 15:18f. Bruce, p.313.


 The world is full of evil temptations. People are used to the godless ways of life. They wanted the “Messiah” to be a political leader who would raise them up to the epitome of glory and riches. But when they saw that He was preaching sacrifice and love, they started rejecting Him, because it was not what they expected. People only listen what they want to listen. They have become so much estranged to God, that even the mention of things that goes beyond their selfish needs, enrage them. So, they contrived plans and heists to kill Him. It would be the same reason for which His disciples would face hatred and oppositions, because they would be spreading the words of Christ among men.


41. Would persecution necessarily be the lot of Jesus’ disciples? 15:20-21 (cf. Matthew 10:16-25; Acts9:4).


Jesus said that if men persecuted Him, they would also persecute them. And if men believed in Him, they would also believe in them. It is because they would be saying the same words and spreading the same message as Jesus Christ did. If the owner of the house is tainted to be a criminal, all its inmates will also be painted the same, because they shared the same house. Here, they all share the same emotions and thoughts. So, Jesus’ disciples would surely face persecution in the hands of the people who rejected Christ and killed Him.


42. Why would the Jews who saw and heard Jesus bear a heavier responsibility than their predecessors? 15:22-24 (cf. Matthew 11:20-24).


Jesus is the Son of God. He came down on this earth to spread the good news of God. But people did not accept His words and rejected and killed Him. God sent many prophets before Jesus came. The people neither listened to the prophets, nor they believed in Christ. So, the people who heard Christ’s words and still not accepted Him, will have no excuse to provide on the final day of judgement when they will be damned. People who do not and sin can be forgiven. But the people who know the truth and yet sins consciously, are incapable of being forgiven because they chose the lie, they chose to do the wrong. So, not only the Jews but to every man on earth, whoever doesn’t accept Christ, do not believe in God and thus, keeps on sinning. The predecessors of the Jews of Jesus’ time did not find Jesus speaking amongst themselves. They were not aware of the light of the world. But the Jews of Jesus’ time saw the light and still reverted to darkness. So, they are more guilty and responsible than their predecessors.


43. Locate and comment on the Old Testament scripture that was fulfilled in the Jews’ hatred of Jesus. 15:25. Bruce, p.315.


There are two Old Testament Scriptures that fulfilled the Jews’ hatred of Christ. They are-

A.    “Do not let those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye”. (NIV BIBLE- PSALMS 35:19)

B. “Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what i did not steal.” (NIV BIBLE- PSALMS 69:4).

The Jews hated Jesus because He spoke about things that were contrary to what they wanted. They wanted worldly riches and glory. But Jesus promised them heavenly riches and glory, but at the expense of sufferings and sacrifices in this earthly life in the name of God. Thus, the Jews hated Him and His disciples. There was no apparent strong logic behind their hatred. They hated Him because He offered things which were not acceptable to them.


44. Who would bear witness to Christ after he is gone? 15:26f.


After Christ will have suffered for the sins of mankind, He will be resurrected from His death and taken back to heaven, to the abode of His Father. From there, He would send to them the Holy Spirit who would bear the truth of Jesus and His Father. That Holy Spirit will bear witness to Christ after He is gone.


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